Thursday 28 August 2014

Truman Capote's Greatest Lie

Main points:

  1. Five day delay between the the informants tip on who the killers were and checking Hickocks house.
  2. Dewey was convinced that the killers were locals that held a grudge.
  3. Capote was trying to make Dewey look like the hero by making him run to the killers as soon as possible.
  4. KBI did not look into the lead by the informant as soon as possible.
  5. Hickock and Smith are also suspected for killing the walkers family in Florida before being caught and after killing the Clutters.
  6. If the KBI delayed in following the tip and Hickock and Smith did kill the Walkers then it is possible that if the KBI instantly followed the tip then the Walkers family might have not died.
  7. Smith and Hickock were known to in Florida days before the Walkers murder and had no alibi for that night.
  8. According to the book Hickock and Smith were in Kansas city a week before Christmas when in reality they were there nine days before the holiday.
  9. Capote was not trying to cover up the Walkers murder.
  10. Capote probably thought that the KBI reaction time did not matter much or he did it as a favor for Dewey.
  11. The people or person that helps the author the most is more likely to get portrayed as the good guy and vice versa.
  12. Capote sold out his readers by telling them the KBI investigators had a fast reaction to the informant tip.
  13. Capote's biggest lie was about how fast the KBI followed the lead.

Thursday 21 August 2014

Reader, Writer, Thinker

Ankit Ranjan
English 11
August 3, 2014
Telling you about me

            I am a consistent and picky reader. I read throughout the school year and vacation. I mainly read fiction containing thrillers, sci-fi, and dystopian. My all-time favorite genre out of these is dystopian because they show a different world that could have happened, a world solves the problems of today while paying a hefty price. I am currently reading the last book of the divergent series, Allegiant. I am very picky about the books I read, I simply do not pick a book and read it. I tend to ask people who have read the book, read the reviews on the book and read the synopsis. I do this because it makes sure that I will like the book and not read half of the book only to find that I dislike the book. Books with hard to grasp concepts that make me rethink about the plot, action and a bit of romance keep me engaged with the book. I enjoyed reading In Cold Blood because it had a different perspective compared to other detective books, instead leaving the killers to be discovered in the end Truman Capote explored how the crime was committed and included the view of the murderers.
            Writing is probably my most weakest and disliked part of English. For me writing is a long and hard process. The development of arguments and ideas to the point of good writing is a tedious job. I also find it hard to get all my ideas on paper (or computer) as they are in my head. Writing has many ways to phrase the same idea but some are better than others. I personally dislike writing and prefer reading. One thing that inspires me to write is when I believe what I am writing and not writing simply for the sake of it. I understand that writing is necessary and an essential part of life, but I find myself more of a factual person rather than a literature person.

            I like thinking a lot. After watching or reading an interesting movie or book I like to think about the plot of what I just saw or read. I try to empathize with the characters and try understand their point of view while reading. Complex plots and characters that are portrayed with deep emotion and vivid backgrounds engages me to think about the concepts with in the book as well as the characters choices. I also think about what I would do if places in the position of the characters. I also think a lot about the impact of twist endings on the story and how they fit in to the plot.

Letter from Perry to Dick

Ankit Ranjan
English 11
Mrs. Gray
19 August 2014
A Reminder and Criticism

Dear, Dick

I am writing this letter to inform you about my opinion towards you and what you have done at this current moment. My opinions on disobeying direct instructions from the righteous oracle at home (I mean planet Pathos not our earthly home) about not dying and my opinion on you accusing me of killing the whole family. By telling the KBI investigators of the killing you have jeopardized our lives and mission.
First of all, how could you cave in to mere humans, when you know that we are immensely more superior? You must have felt what these humans call feelings, in particular fear. I too have adapted to gain some feeling of fear and sympathy, especially toward children when you abuse them. In the Clutters house I felt sorry for them until I picked up the knife and realized we are not the same. On top of showing fear you blamed everything on me when you were there as well. I depended on you to not tell them anything, in fact, I thought that out of the two of us I would be the one to mistakenly leak information. By telling the truth I am now forced to tell them as well.
            If you remember, our mission from the righteous oracle on planet Pathos was to find out how earth functions, what could bring chaos and strike fear into humans and if the humans are more intelligent than us. With this information the dying planet Pathos could conquer earth and bring about a new age; imagine all the splendor, recognition and money we would receive. Gods are what we would be, but to bring this information back to Pathos we must be alive. As you know the penalty for murder is death. Our mission from the day we were born has failed, because of you we have failed in life.
