Thursday 2 October 2014

White Angel Analysis

Throughout the story, there are several references to the theme of escapism from the banality of everyday life – what reoccurring symbols do you see that reinforce this theme?

            Throughout White Angel there are several references to the theme of escapism from the banality of everyday life and the use of symbolism to symbolize this theme. The main recurring symbol used is the brothers’ love of taking risks and their pursuit of freedom to escape. Carlton and Frisco use drugs, alcohol and hide it all from their parents. This risk is an escape from their everyday boring lives, it sort of gives them a second secret life away from home. The drugs also help them escape because it lets them feel as if “miracles are happening” (Cunningham 232) and that they have “taken momentary leave of the earth” (Cunningham 232) to be free. This idea of being free is symbolized by Woodstock, they dream of living there where they can do acid all day live independently. They don’t want a life of schooling and jobs, they want to live simply “among the trees by the river” (Cunningham 231), a life they think that Woodstock will give them. They think that school and jobs create a cage and to escape this everyday event they must run to drugs and to Woodstock because it makes them feel “excited and terrified” (Cunningham 230). By the end of the story it can be seen through Carlton that the ultimate escape from the banality of life is to not drugs, or Woodstock, it is to simply not be in it, to die.

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